Eoganacht septs




Workbooks and documents posted on this site are copyrighted to the R-L21 Eo'ganacht septs Project.  They are provided free of charge to project members and are limited to personal use only.  Please do not forward copies of these materials but refer to the link on this site for the latest versions (they change frequently).

All workbooks with yDNA base haplotype analysis have been deleted and moved to the Yahoo Forum - TMRCA Case Studies; see http://tech.dir.groups.yahoo.com/group/R-L21_TMRCA_CaseStudies/

TMRCA dataset with old version of base haplotype analysis - need to remove duplicate marker sets

See previous work: results__.htm

Current 4466 Research Dataset 9/19/2013 2:27 pm


Download: 4466 Research Dataset